Sunday, June 26, 2011

Day 51

Looks like I missed a day. This was the day we came back home. This will sound cheesy, but I always miss Scott so much when I’m away without him.

Day 50

Clark and Grandma’s badges. Clark has a fish badge for being a good swimmer. Grandma has a pistachio badge for eating 10 pistachio’s really fast.

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Day 48

Sunday dinner. My Dad makes the best Yorkshire puddings.

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Day 47

This is what Clark did while I wasn’t looking.

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Day 46

My favourite things to do at my parents house are to read and sleep.

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Day 45

We found five spiders in the space of two days in the house. So my Mom and Clark made this sign to keep them out.

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Day 44

One of the best parts of Gram and Gramps house, are the video games.

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Day 43


The boys and I went to my parents house for a week. Travelling four hours alone with three young boys is “special.” But to be honest they were actually really good, considering there was no DVD player or anything like that to keep them entertained.


There’s no love like a Grandma’s love.

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Day 42

Happy two years of life! My tractor, cookie monster loving boy!

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Day 41

I love this guy. I just wish I could be a better Mom to him. Today was a hard day. A bad Mom day.

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